ECO Friendly

What’s Eco about Eco Tree co?

As passionate environmentalists, we care for our surroundings and want to ensure we are providing a service that works in favour of the environment as well as the customer. We aim to do this by working in a way that gives back to the environment as well as taking from it, ensuring that oils and materials are carefully selected and that all parts of the tree and foliage that we remove are reused or reintroduced the to environment in a way that provides for it's living inhabitants (ie. birds, bees, insects and wildlife).

  • We use non toxic biodegradable chainsaw oil, and use electric or hand tools whenever possible.

  • We highly respect Tree Protection Orders.

  • We have high regard for wildlife and respect how the season may impact our ability to carry out work ethically (ie. nesting seasons). If the local wildlife is drastically threatened, discussions of the work need to be carried out prior to starting the project and potentially delaying if need be.

  • Our woodchip is collected and used by biomass energy plants to create green electricity.

  • Hardwood timber is split and stacked to create burnable logs for households.

  • Our company makes regular donations to the Woodland Trust and National Trust.

  • Director, Alex Owen, keeps his own bees in Holmesfield.

Eco Tree Co has become involved in a land reclamation project, involving the transformation of an old Victorian tip into a wildlife haven. Wood chips from our jobs are used on the site, wild meadow seeds have been sown, habitat piles created and new trees planted along with the introduction of honey bees and the creation of wildlife ponds.

Wherever possible we will always contribute where we can to working in a more sustainable way, yet still achieve great results for our customers.

Need to know more? Call now for more information.